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Hello,welcome to my tumblr blog. I'm the owner of this site. Please be nice here. No harshwords. Im the big fans of korean pop boys group. Yeah. Hate me just because Im kpoppers? Hahaha hey! No one care about it and you can get lost from my site. We have our own idols and just mind your own business fucking haters!
People I love. Muhammad Danial Haikal. He's my bae. I love him so much. He's mine. Xiao Luhan. He's my husband. V @ Taehyung. My scandal. Joy & I rene my step-sisters. Tiffany my beloved sister. Danial is my body. EXO is my heart. BTS is my soul. Red Velvet is my ears. SNSD is my eyes.

Applause to.
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Dapat Coklet Lagi ;)

Dear My Reader's,
Hye n assalamualaikum korang ;) Nak tahu tak! Nak tahu tak! Tadi kan, aku dapat lagi coklet daripada cikgu Yu ;) Sayang cikgu Yu! Huhu~ Dapat coklet Hugg's lagi :) sukanya! White chocolate tue! I love it! Huhu~ Jap! Ada soalan! Soalannya: Kenapa aku suka makan coklet? Alah, korang tanya soalan yang easy2! Try lah ask me some difficult question kan? Jawapannya senang je: sebab coklet tue sedap! Then, when I eat chocolate. I think my soul calm :) huhu~ soo delicious you know!? That why I choose chocolate is my favourite dessert. Oh yup! I forgot one thing! Also I love to eat ice-cream, cotton candy, cheese, pancake with chocolate syrup, waffle, chewing gum, some sweet\candy, strawberry and yogurt or everything sweet taste! LOVEITSOOMUCH! Huhu~ espeacially COTTON CANDY! so fluffy! like fluffy cloud in the sky :) *sweet cheers* hoho~ oh lupakan! Okay perkataan terakhir aku, assalamualikum & bye2 korang ;) 

pssttt: sorry kalau guna perkataan aku ya? harap tak makan hati ya? ;) 

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