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Hello,welcome to my tumblr blog. I'm the owner of this site. Please be nice here. No harshwords. Im the big fans of korean pop boys group. Yeah. Hate me just because Im kpoppers? Hahaha hey! No one care about it and you can get lost from my site. We have our own idols and just mind your own business fucking haters!
People I love. Muhammad Danial Haikal. He's my bae. I love him so much. He's mine. Xiao Luhan. He's my husband. V @ Taehyung. My scandal. Joy & I rene my step-sisters. Tiffany my beloved sister. Danial is my body. EXO is my heart. BTS is my soul. Red Velvet is my ears. SNSD is my eyes.

Applause to.
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Alahai Kamal ;)

Dear My Reader's,
Assalamualaikum korang! (buat2 tak tahu je tau tittle entri kali ni -,-) Huhu~ Nie! Korang ade idola kan? Mesti ade kan? Korang minat dekat siapa? Huhu~ Ni, idola aku! KAMAL ADLI! eii! aku suka tengok gaya dia! dia comell!! Lantak korang lah nak cakap ape pun dekat dia!! aku start minat dekat dia masa cerita Bionik! Dia VERGAYA! wow! vouge! suka! suka! suka! huhu~ pasal cerita tulah aku start suka dekat dia! hihi~~~ Ok la! Bye2! ;)
Comel tak! comel tak!!?

Kamal Adli ;)
minat diaa! :)
