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Hello,welcome to my tumblr blog. I'm the owner of this site. Please be nice here. No harshwords. Im the big fans of korean pop boys group. Yeah. Hate me just because Im kpoppers? Hahaha hey! No one care about it and you can get lost from my site. We have our own idols and just mind your own business fucking haters!
People I love. Muhammad Danial Haikal. He's my bae. I love him so much. He's mine. Xiao Luhan. He's my husband. V @ Taehyung. My scandal. Joy & I rene my step-sisters. Tiffany my beloved sister. Danial is my body. EXO is my heart. BTS is my soul. Red Velvet is my ears. SNSD is my eyes.

Applause to.
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Big Thanks To You Baby!



19-01-2012. Jeongmin and Minwoo at Seoul Music Awards (red carpet).
Full credit to Youth0526 (egloos).
Please, do not edit the pics in any way (모두 2차 가공 하지 마세요) and take out with full credit ( 자료 이동시 출처를 정확히 밝혀주세요).
Assalamualaikum and annyeonghaseyo chingu(s) ^_^ Hmm.. Semalam jumpa biyy :) Heee~ Hmm... Malam tadi aku penat sangat!!! Buat sinopsis novel Merenang Gelora... Penat la..!! Itupun tak habis lagi... Baru buat sampai bab 7.... Dah lah semuanya ada 22 bab --' MATI AKU!!! Essay belum siap... Sivik belum... Agama pun belum... Ala, nasib baik lagi sikit... Kalau banyak?? HAAA!!! GILAK!!! #kan dah keluar bahasa Sarawak --' Okey... Aku bukannya reti sangat cakap Sarawak ni --' Okey... Aku taknak serabutkan otak aku dengan HOMEWORK!! Eh-II!!! Semalam aku dengan biyy tukar-II hadiah.. Haha! Aku just bagi biyy keychain yang ada MUKA dia ^3^ Hee~ To biyy: Comeykan you? HEE~ Hmm.... Biyy bagi aku baju... Baju couple kot... Haha~ Comey... Thanks biyy ^3^ Saiz S? Haha! Nasib baik I muat baju tu :3 HAHA! Hmm...... Aku bosan dah ni... Tadi on dekat cc tak ada siapa nak chat dengan aku... So sad... T_T Tadi biyy post satu video dekat timeline aku... Vid tu comeyy... Ada baby joget lagu rock!!! HAHAHAHA! Sumpah lawak!! Ape la you ni biyy.... Baby kita ikut habits you la.... :'3 Heewheew <3 

#bytheway iloveyou biyy <3 


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