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Hello,welcome to my tumblr blog. I'm the owner of this site. Please be nice here. No harshwords. Im the big fans of korean pop boys group. Yeah. Hate me just because Im kpoppers? Hahaha hey! No one care about it and you can get lost from my site. We have our own idols and just mind your own business fucking haters!
People I love. Muhammad Danial Haikal. He's my bae. I love him so much. He's mine. Xiao Luhan. He's my husband. V @ Taehyung. My scandal. Joy & I rene my step-sisters. Tiffany my beloved sister. Danial is my body. EXO is my heart. BTS is my soul. Red Velvet is my ears. SNSD is my eyes.

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My KPOP Lurver!

Dear All My Reader's,
and assalamualaikum korangss! :) Hihihi!! KPOP? Okay! :* JAYBIEE? K.O!! :P Sorry! Im not JAYBIEE fans! :P Weck! Aku:#Say goodbye untuk JAYBIEE! Taa taa JAYBIEE <3 *eh, aku memang bukan peminat JAYBIEE! so, tak perlu goodbye2 sangat lah kan?* Huhu ^O^... Now, welcome to my new sweetlove! <3 Boyfriend Band! :) So terpikat aku tengok muka deorang! Wuu, soo cute!

Swear! At first, aku ada dengar lagu dari band deorang... Yeah, aku admit... Memang best lagu tu.. But, masa tu aku tak kenal band tu... Aku cuma tahu lagu dari band deorang je.. Hihi ^_^ Then, lama2 tu... Baru aku kenal deorang! Bapak la! COMEY! COMEY! Kalah mat saleh au! Yeah, aku tahu mata deorang SEPET! Macam cina.. But, deorang CUTE! Huhu ^O^

Antara ahli2 deorang, aku suka sangat2 dekat Minwoo dengan Youngmin! Deorang comey sangat2!! Youngmin ada twin au.. Kwangmin... Tu twin dia... Pon comey jugak macam diaa <3 Tapi, aku still suka dekat Minwoo dengan Youngmin!! My sweetlove!! Sayang deorang dua tauu! Dah are cute, pandai menari, pandai menyanyi lagi tuu!! <3 JAYBIEE? Setakat suara macam kakak saudara aku, baik tak payah! Ha ha ha? ^_^" Okay! Apa2, #akusayangsangatsangatdekatboyfriendband! :) Taa taa! Assalamualaikumm! *Hoot* :D

p\s: sorry if ber'aku' & ber'kau' dengan korang! 
p\s: dah tengok BF Band? Cute right? Hihi ^O^ MINWOO & YOUNGMIN <3 

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