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Hello,welcome to my tumblr blog. I'm the owner of this site. Please be nice here. No harshwords. Im the big fans of korean pop boys group. Yeah. Hate me just because Im kpoppers? Hahaha hey! No one care about it and you can get lost from my site. We have our own idols and just mind your own business fucking haters!
People I love. Muhammad Danial Haikal. He's my bae. I love him so much. He's mine. Xiao Luhan. He's my husband. V @ Taehyung. My scandal. Joy & I rene my step-sisters. Tiffany my beloved sister. Danial is my body. EXO is my heart. BTS is my soul. Red Velvet is my ears. SNSD is my eyes.

Applause to.
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Ibu! :'(

Dear All My Reader's,
Salam semua. Nampak kan tajuk dekat atas tuh? Hmm... Rasa macam nak menangis aje :'( Uwwaa!!!! Ibu aku tak ada dekat rumah sampai hari Selasa ni. Dia perg bercuti! Nak ikut! Tak best lah dok kat rumah dengan ayah aku! Lagi2 ada adik2 aku! Kena jagalah apalah itulah inilah! Grr~ Hmm.. Baru je tadi ibu pergi. Dah nak menangis. *akulahtu* haha~ nak iktu lah! oh! takpe! aku kirim kat ibu belikan coklat DAIM! hehe~ sorang sebungkus! Yah! sukanya! bertambah tembam le aku nanti! hhe~ ok la da takde idea da ni~ okay :) bye2 korang.. salam :)

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